As is stated by the FIA the route is only published one hour before the start of each leg. At the same time the roadbook will be issued to competitors.
However, what we can say is the competition will be driven from Reykjavik and thus we will restrict ourselves to the south western quadrant of Iceland. The competition will be in two sections, each section being split into two legs. The total distance is just shy of 600 km, with regularities being approximately 365 km.
More information is to be found in the Supplementary Regulations for the event.
Samkvæmt reglum FIA þá er ekki heimilt að gefa upp hvaða leið er ekin fyrr en klukkustund fyrir hvern legg keppninnar. Keppnin er hins vegar ekin út frá Reykjavík og mun því takmörkuð við suðvestur horn landsins. Heildar lengd keppninnar er rétt innan við 600 km., þar af eru kringum 365 km. af keppnisleiðum.
Meiri upplýsingar er að finna í sérreglum keppninnar, sem gefnar eru út fyrir keppnina.