eRally Iceland 20th to 22nd August 2020
It is official now that the World Motorsport Council has approved the new amended competition calendar for the Electric Regularity Rally Cup where the Icelandic round will be 20th to 22nd August 2020.
This was done due to the travel restrictions which are in place around the world due to Covid19. It was also done because the next competition after the original date was too many weeks away, we thought.
We have just posted the Invitation and guide to the webpage. Please look at it, it has some quick information.
Registrations will open 10-July-2020 and the Supplementary Regulations as well as the route description will be posted in the next couple of days.
eRally á Íslandi 20. til 22. ágúst 2020
World Motorsport Council hefur samþykkt tillögu FIA Electric and New Energy Championships Commission um breytingar á keppnisdagatali fyrir Electric Regularity Rally Cup 2020.
Ný dagsetning er 20. til 22. ágúst 2020, sem varð fyrir valinu vegna bæði að þá er meira vitað hvernig samgöngum við umheiminn verður háttað, en einnig til að reyna að þétta keppnisdagatalið í þessari mótaröð, en næsta keppni er 10. og 11. september 2020 í Slóveníu.
Gerður hefur verið sérstakur kynningarbæklingur um keppnina, Invitation and guide þar sem fram koma grunn upplýsingar um hana. Skráning hefst 10-Júl-2020 og munu sérreglur keppninnar ásamt leiðarlýsingu verða settar inn á næstu dögum.